這隻程式主要測試程式設計師對以鍊結串列形成的堆疊進行操作的能力(事實上檢查輸入字串的部份有佇列的概念-先進先出 FIFO). 另外也對四則運算的基本原理進行了解, 並使用堆疊完成正確的計算. 實際上寫這隻程式之前應該有另一個版本的程式 : 先將計算式轉成後序式, 再使用後序式進行計算(只需要一個堆疊即可). 不過我們並不需要輸出後序式, 所以搭配兩個堆疊直接算出結果.
1. 檢查輸入的計算式產生已完成檢查的鍊結串列 : 哪些運算符號(運算子 operator)是可以使用的? 運算元(數字 operand)的規格?
2. 操作運算元及運算子的堆疊 : 根據不同符號及優先權決定是否放入堆疊或是先計算再放入堆疊. 最後還要記得清空堆疊, 再輸出結果.
* Calculator program
* 2012/11/28 Cheng-Yi Chen
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Define node structure
typedef struct _node * nodep;
typedef struct _node{
short type; // 0: operator, use op; 1: operand, use value
char op; // For operator
double value; // For operand
nodep next; // Point to next node
} node;
// Valid operator
// # : for internal usage
#define checkOP 7
const char validOP[]={'(','^','*','/','+','-',')','#'};
// Left Operator : ISP(In-Stack Priority)
// (, ^, *, /, +, -, ), #
// 0 4 4 4 2 2 6 -1
const int ISP[]={0,4,4,4,2,2,6,-1};
// Right Operator : ICP(In-Coming Priority)
// (, ^, *, /, +, -, ), #
// 6 5 3 3 1 1 0 -1
const int ICP[]={6,5,3,3,1,1,0,-1};
// Valid cal. string linked list
nodep calLListHead = NULL;
nodep calLListTail = NULL;
// Stack for operators and operands
nodep oprStack = NULL;
nodep opdStack = NULL;
// Basic functions
int isValidOP(char); // For checking operator
int isValidChar(char); // For checking character
int getValidOP(char); // To get operator id
// For check input string and build cal. string linked list
void addNodeTocalLList(nodep); // Add free node to cal. string linked list.
// Been used in next two functions.
void addOperand(double); // Add operand node
void addOperator(char); // Add operator node
int checkCalStr(string); // For check input string
// For stack operation
void push(); // Read head node of cal. string linked list
// then push free node to oprStack or opdStack
void push(nodep); // Push free node(result) to oprStack or opdStack
nodep pop(int); // Popup top node of oprStack or opdStack
nodep mathCal(nodep,nodep,nodep); // Mathematics calculation
double calculate(); // Calculate input string
void showCalLList(); // Show cal. string linked list
void cleanLList(); // Clean cal. string linked list
// Purpose : Main program
// Params : void
// Return : 0 : normal execution
int main()
// Cal. string from user input
string calStr;
// Continue or not
char choice;
cout << "四則運算計算機" << endl;
cout << "運算元 : 支援 正整數及小數點" << endl;
cout << "運算符號 : 支援 +(加) -(減) *(乘) /(除) ^(次方)" << endl;
cout << "另支援括號. 例 : (2.2+3.3)*5.5" << endl;
cout << "### 請勿使用空白鍵分隔運算元與運算符號. ###" << endl;
cout << "\n請輸入計算式 ";
cin >> calStr;
cout << "計算式無法正常計算" << endl;
// Display input string and result
cout << "= " << calculate() << endl;
// Cleanup cal. linked list
cout << "是否繼續計算? (任意鍵繼續, N/n 離開)";
cin >> choice;
}while(choice != 'N' && choice != 'n');
return 0;
// Purpose : For checking oprator
// Params : symbol of operator
// Return : 0 : invalid; 1: valid
int isValidOP(char c)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < checkOP; i++)
if(c == validOP[i])
return 1;
return 0;
// Purpose : For checking character
// Params : Character from input string
// Return : 0 : invalid; 1: valid
int isValidChar(char c)
if(isdigit(c) || isValidOP(c) || c == '.')
return 1;
return 0;
// Purpose : To get operator id by search in validOP array
// Params : Symbol of operator
// Return : Id of operator
int getValidOP(char c)
int i;
for(int i=0; i < checkOP; i++)
if(validOP[i] == c)
return i;
return -1;
// Purpose : Add free node to cal. string linked list.
// Been used in next two functions.
// Params : New operand or operator node
// Return : Void
void addNodeTocalLList(nodep node)
// Has at least one node
calLListTail->next = node;
calLListTail = node;
// The cal. string linked list is empty
calLListHead = node;
calLListTail = node;
// Purpose : Add operand node
// Params : The value of operand
// Return : Void
void addOperand(double value)
// Generate new operand node
nodep newNode = new node;
newNode->type = 1;
newNode->value = value;
newNode->next = NULL;
// Add new node to cal. string linked list
// Purpose : Add operator node
// Params : The symbol of operator
// Return : Void
void addOperator(char op)
// Generate new operator node
nodep newNode = new node;
newNode->type = 0;
newNode->op = op;
newNode->next = NULL;
// Add new node to cal. string linked list
// Purpose : Check the cal. string
// Params : Input string
// Return : 0 : failed; 1: success
int checkCalStr(string calStr)
// Loop counter, length of cal. string, parentheses counter, value of digit char, base value for decimal
int i, calStrLen, parenCount, charValue, divBase;
// True : after '.', below the decimal point
// False : before '.', above the decimal point
bool isDecimal;
// Temporary value for digit
double tmp;
// 0. Get string length
calStrLen = calStr.length();
// 1. Check chacter
for(i = 0; i < calStrLen; i++)
// If find invalid char, stop processing
cout << "錯誤 : 發現無法辨識的字元 " << calStr[i] << ", 無法進行後續的計算." << endl;
return 0;
// 2. Check parentheses : if the pairs of parentheses is correct
// the final parenCount will be zero.
parenCount = 0;
for(i = 0; i < calStrLen; i++)
if(calStr[i] == '(')
else if(calStr[i] == ')')
cout << "錯誤 : 括號無法正確配對, ";
cout << "少 " << parenCount << " 個右括號." << endl;
cout << "少 " << 0-parenCount << " 個左括號." << endl;
return 0;
// 2. Generate Link List
// 2.1. initialize variables
tmp = 0;
isDecimal = false;
// 2.2. generate operator and operand node and add to tail of cal. string linked list
for(i = 0; i < calStrLen; i++)
// Only for converting single digit char to integer
charValue = 0;
// Generate node
// Generate previous operand node
if(i > 0 && isdigit(calStr[i-1]))
// Generate operator node
// Prepare for reading next operand or operator
tmp = 0;
isDecimal = false;
else if(calStr[i] == '.')
// Below the decimal point and only appear between two digit char
isDecimal = true;
// Process digit char.
charValue = (int)calStr[i] - 48;
// Below the decimal point
// Above the decimal point
// Generate last operand if available
return 1;
// Purpose : Read head node of cal. string linked list
// then push free node to oprStack or opdStack
// Params : Node pointer of free node
// Return : Void
void push()
// Get head node of cal. string linked list
nodep cur = calLListHead;
calLListHead = calLListHead->next;
cur->next = NULL;
// Push free node to oprStack or opdStack
// Operand
cur->next = opdStack;
opdStack = cur;
// Operator
cur->next = oprStack;
oprStack = cur;
// Purpose : Push free node(result) to oprStack or opdStack
// Params : Node pointer of free node
// Return : Void
void push(nodep node)
// Operand
// Let the next pointer ponit to top node of opdStack
node->next = opdStack;
// Move top node pointer ponit to new node
opdStack = node;
// Operator
// Let the next pointer ponit to top node of oprStack
node->next = oprStack;
// Move top node pointer ponit to new node
oprStack = node;
// Purpose : Popup top node of oprStack or opdStack
// Params : 0 : operator; 1 : operand
// Return : Top node pointer of oprStack or opdStack
nodep pop(int type)
// Top node pointer of oprStack or opdStack
nodep stackTop;
// 0 : operator; 1 : operand
// Operand
// opdStack is empty
return NULL;
// Point to top node of opdStack
stackTop = opdStack;
// Move the top pointer of opdStack to next node
opdStack = opdStack->next;
opdStack = NULL;
// Operator
// oprStack is empty
return NULL;
// Point to top node of oprStack
stackTop = oprStack;
// Move the top pointer of oprStack to next node
oprStack = oprStack->next;
oprStack = NULL;
// Clean the next pointer of free node
stackTop->next = NULL;
return stackTop;
// Purpose : Do +, -, *, / and ^
// Params : Pointer for left operaand, operator and right operand
// Return : Result node with operand type
nodep mathCal(nodep left, nodep opr, nodep right)
// Alocate new operand node for result
nodep result = new node;
result->type = 1;
result->value = 0.0;
result->next = NULL;
// Mathematic switch
case '+': result->value = left->value + right->value; break;
case '-': result->value = left->value - right->value; break;
case '*': result->value = left->value * right->value; break;
case '/': result->value = left->value / right->value; break;
case '^': result->value = pow(left->value , right->value); break;
default: break;
return result;
// Purpose : Calculate the mathematic expression
// Params : Void
// Return : Result value
double calculate()
// Define node pointer for left operand, right operand, operator and result
nodep left, right, opr, result;
// Read the cal. string linked list one by one
// Do cal. work by its type
// Operand
// Operator ( ) + - * / ^
if(calLListHead->op == '(')
// Operator : (
else if(calLListHead->op == ')')
// Operator : )
//remove ')' node
opr = calLListHead;
calLListHead = calLListHead->next;
delete opr;
// Popup oprStack until '('
while(oprStack && oprStack->op != '(')
// Get right, left operand node from opdStack
right = pop(1);
left = pop(1);
// Get operator from oprStack
opr = pop(0);
// Execute calculation
result = mathCal(left,opr,right);
// Push result node to operand stack
// Remove '('
// Operator : + - * / ^
// Compare left operator(from oprStack) and
// right operator(from cal. string linked list)
if(ISP[getValidOP(oprStack->op)] > ICP[getValidOP(calLListHead->op)])
// High priority operator(left operator)
// Get right, left operand node from opdStack
right = pop(1);
left = pop(1);
// Get left operator from oprStack
opr = pop(0);
// Execute calculation
result = mathCal(left,opr,right);
// Push result node to operand stack
// Push right operator to operator stack
else if(ISP[getValidOP(oprStack->op)] < ICP[getValidOP(calLListHead->op)])
// High priority operator(right operator)
// Push right operator to operator stack
// Must not have this situation
// If operator stack is empty, push the operator to oprStack
// To do the last calculation work and popup oprStack untill empty
// Get right, left operand node from opdStack
right = pop(1);
left = pop(1);
// Get operator from oprStack
opr = pop(0);
// Execute calculation
result = mathCal(left,opr,right);
// Push result node to operand stack
// Get final result and return its value
result = pop(1);
return result->value;
// Purpose : Display the cal. string linked list
// Params : Void
// Return : Void
void showCalLList()
// Head pointer
nodep cur = calLListHead;
// Print cal. string linked list recusively
// Display the content of node by its type
// 0 : operator; 1 : operand
cout << cur->value << " ";
cout << cur->op << " ";
cur = cur->next;
// Purpose : Clean the unused linked list
// Read the cal. string linked list and release unused memory space
// Params : Void
// Return : Void
void cleanLList()
// Head pointer
nodep cur = calLListHead;
// Delete node from head to tail
// Move head of linked list to next position
calLListHead = calLListHead->next;
// Remove the free node
delete cur;
// Point to head of linked list and do it again untill the linked list is empty
cur= calLListHead;
// The linked list had been removed then change the tail pointer of linked list
calLListTail = NULL;
一開始的 #include 後面沒東西嗎??
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
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